Room 7

We are Kahikatea 7 at Hinuera School. We love Learning and Growing together!

Friday 15 November 2013

Popcorn Explanation Writing!

We wrote explanations all about how popcorn pops! We then made Popcorn Boxes during Geometry as we are learning about the nets used to make different shapes.

Take it away Adam...

How Popcorn Pops?

Mmmm! Popcorn, so you want to learn about the history and how popcorn pops?
Well the Native Americans believed that a spirit lived inside each kernel. When the popcorn was heated to the right temperature the spirit would burst out of the kernel into air as the steam.

A kernel has four parts to it, the Tip Cap, the Germ, the Endosperm and the Pericarp (or hull). Popcorn is a type of maize, or corn and is a member of the grass family. Popcorn is the only corn that will pop.

Popcorn pops because it has 13.5-14% moisture which turns into steam, when it gets around 212 degress. When it is 347 degress, pressure from the steam will suddenly burst the hull open at amazing speed.

Popcorn tastes good with butter and salt, and maybe try it with some sugar, but please keep away from children under 3 because they might chook. So there we have it how popcorn pops.
By Adam.H


  1. Adam,you have a really interesting conclusion and yes I will not make popcorn around children under 3,Jordan you look like you are ready to eat your popcorn also Madeline your popcorn box looks like one from the movies.

    1. I agree Marlene Jordan dose look like she is ready to eat popcorn and yes Madeline's box dose look like it is from the movies. Lara you look so excited same with you Madi.

    2. Ashley I bet Jordan is thinking in her head hurry up Miss Dagg you are taking to long I want to eat my popcorn

    3. She probably is thinking that Marlene.

  2. Adam, I really liked your story, but there was a spelling error :o You spelt choke "chook". Jordan, you look SO ready to eat some popcorn! Lara your already digging in! maddie your box looks like it's from the movies! We should do this again, but with REAL popcorn!!

  3. mmm..... popcorn can we make popcorn again. Popcorn is so yum!!!!! What are we going to do with the brcoflour

  4. Wow Jordan I will never make popcorn around you because you might steel it by the look at your face.

  5. Adam are you going eat one of your pop-corn because I think you are!!!! Man I wish I was there to make one because I was getting the mar ball run ready for the show.

  6. All the photos are great, and Adams story.

  7. The pop corn box was so fun !! I love maths art!!

    1. Madeline I agree with you on loving maths art is so awesome. Maybe we should ask Miss Dagg if we can do it more often.

    2. Yes maths art was fun we really should do it more often Miss Dagg.

  8. I really enjoyed making the popcorn boxes but they were hard to make plus we all stayed positive and worked hard.
