Room 7

We are Kahikatea 7 at Hinuera School. We love Learning and Growing together!

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Paper Pots

Yesterday we decided to put the paper that we made on Paper Day to good use! We made little containers that we will hopefully use to plant seedlings in.
First of all we wet the paper to make it soft so it would be easier to bend.

Next we wrapped it around a wooden roller and folded the bottom up and pressed it together so it would stay in that shape.
Now we just have to wait for them to dry....

What things worked well? What didn't work so well?

Friday 15 November 2013

Popcorn Explanation Writing!

We wrote explanations all about how popcorn pops! We then made Popcorn Boxes during Geometry as we are learning about the nets used to make different shapes.

Take it away Adam...

How Popcorn Pops?

Mmmm! Popcorn, so you want to learn about the history and how popcorn pops?
Well the Native Americans believed that a spirit lived inside each kernel. When the popcorn was heated to the right temperature the spirit would burst out of the kernel into air as the steam.

A kernel has four parts to it, the Tip Cap, the Germ, the Endosperm and the Pericarp (or hull). Popcorn is a type of maize, or corn and is a member of the grass family. Popcorn is the only corn that will pop.

Popcorn pops because it has 13.5-14% moisture which turns into steam, when it gets around 212 degress. When it is 347 degress, pressure from the steam will suddenly burst the hull open at amazing speed.

Popcorn tastes good with butter and salt, and maybe try it with some sugar, but please keep away from children under 3 because they might chook. So there we have it how popcorn pops.
By Adam.H

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Recycling Week!

This week is Recycling Week!! Tell me how you recylce at home by commenting below..

Then..... Get your groove on again with Jack Johnsons 3R's song!

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Value of the Week

Excellence is not a skill, it is an attitude.
Excellence is doing something ordinary, but doing it exceptionally well.

Ask yourself, "Have I got the right attitude to achieve excellence?"

Monday 11 November 2013

Senior Paper Day

Senior Paper Day
We had a Paper Day on Thursday 7th November. Activities included origami, paper planes, parachutes and paper making.


Monday 4 November 2013


How are we going to be creative this week Kahikatea 7????

Grandparents Day

Grandparents Day: A time for people special to us to come in and see what we do in our class. We enjoyed making heart baskets and sharing our work with them. (Sorry the pictures are upside down!!)